Musings | Grief

My grandmother once said that grief is the price we pay for love
— Prince William

We are all faced with grief at some point - it often broadsides us, leaping out of the shadows when we least expect it and lingering, sometimes never leaving us.  As we learned in the last year, grief can be linked not only to the death of those we care about but to other events as well:  a loss of routine, a loss of ceremony (weddings, funerals, birthday celebrations), unresolved feelings, and rapid change.  You may be experiencing a multitude of emotions.  Some of them may be grief, which is understandable and normal.  You may be surprised to learn that there are several different types of grief and many ways to cope with it and support others as they grieve.

Types of Grief

Grief 1.jpg

Ways to Cope With Grief

Five Stages of Grief   |  Four Tasks of Mourning

How to Support Someone in Their Grief

It seems counterintuitive, but when someone is grieving, don’t try to make them feel better.  We tend to default to a“look on the Brightside” approach because we don’t know what to do.   What helps is acknowledging the pain they are feeling and dismissing the urge to give advice.  Instead, you can say, “I’m sorry this is happening, do you want to tell me about it” or be present with them in their sadness.  Check out this insightful and helpful four-minute video for more advice and guidance regarding supporting someone you care about when they are grieving.

Resources & Sources


Musings | 2 Minutes to a Better Life


Musings | The Power of Walking