Musings | Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert

Ambivert: I’m both extrovert and introvert. I like people, but I need to be alone. I’ll go out, vibe, and meet new people, but it has an expiration because I have to recharge. If I don’t find the valuable alone time I need to recharge, I cannot be my highest self.
— Sylvester McNutt III

Extroverts are outgoing people.  Introverts are shy people.  Right?  Nope, it turns out, that’s not really the case. 

Introversion and extroversion refer to where you draw your energy from and how you restore it.  Introverted people draw energy from alone time or time with a small group and are drained through exposure to big crowds and large groups for long periods. 

Extroverts are the opposite; they gain energy from interactions and time with other people and feel fatigued when they have lots of time alone.  Ambiverts are those who fall somewhere in the middle and whose energy gains and recovery practices combine elements of both interactions with others and times of solitude and reflection.

Not sure where you fall?  Check out these quick quizzes (both are validated and take about 2 minutes each) to help you learn if you are an introvert or extrovert or if you are an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert.

Why Does This Matter?

When we know how we are wired, we can make the best choices for ourselves without questioning our actions. Understanding how we recover and where our energy is drawn from empowers us and, perhaps, permits us to be ourselves fully.  There is no right or wrong way to do this - there is just your way.  Especially for those who are more introverted, choosing quiet time or small groups over larger, sometimes louder settings can feel like a less popular choice.  This pull to extroversion is explained by Susan Cain in her Ted Talk, The Power of Introverts, even when that choice helps us be at our best.

When we understand ourselves and each other, we can all use our strengths, and then we all have a better chance at thriving. Understanding introversion and extroversion can also help us support our colleagues and friends.  So in the spirit of love, caring, and valuing everyone around us (it is Valentine’s Day, after all), check out the summaries below that outline the best way to support introverts and extroverts.


Musings | Completing The Stress Cycle


Musings | Who Are You Under Stress?