Musings | Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Everything in your world is created by what you think
— Oprah Winfrey

Recently we have focused on the power of our thoughts and how they can trigger emotional responses and even anxiety.  This week, we continue that theme with a tool to help us overcome negative thoughts by reframing them.  The device is called WIRM, and it was developed by Mark Devine (former Navy SEAL Commander).  We came across it in Brian Johnson’s Optimize +1 (#1008).  The notes below are an adaptation of the concept presented in Optimize content.

Negative thinking has the power to destroy a good day, a good idea, and a good mood.  We have all done it, and we will all continue to do it from time to time.  However, suppose we develop the skill of detecting negativity when it is present. In that case, we can overcome negative thinking and reset ourselves to have a good day, grow a good idea and be in a good mood.  How do you do it?  Employ the WIRM.

W:  Witness negativity 

  • This may seem easy, but we all know it is not.  Try to bring awareness to your thoughts; are they positive or negative, helpful or not?  What is your internal thought tone?

I:  Interdict, or stop the negative thoughts with a power statement

  • Once aware of the negative thinking, stop the thought.  Let it go.  Prevent it from iterating or growing

  • Try to quiet your mind of the negativity and then give it new instructions

  • Override the negative thought with a power statement (“I can do this” or “You’ve got this” or even, “really negative thought, that is just not necessary” or something else that resonates).  It may also be helpful to recall when you have  successfully done something similar or experienced something similar that was positive

R:  Redirect your mind with something positive (self-talk or imagery) or productive for your current goal or situation

  • Distract your mind from the negative by filling it with positive self-talk or imagine yourself achieving that which you are feeling pessimistic about; this is about adjusting your mindset to positive and supportive instead of negative and defeating.

M:  Maintain your new mental state with a jingle, mantra, or internal message

  • Create and remember your positive state with an internal message or mantra to keep your new positive focus.  This is only for you, so it can be silly or funny - it only has to be meaningful to you.  Mantra is the Sanskrit word for “tool of the mind,” so the purpose here is to create a tool that you can use to re-train your brain to be positive.

It seems simple – especially when we are not experiencing negativity.  Reframing our mindset can be particularly challenging when being negative appears to make us feel better - it isn’t - even when being negative almost feels like fuel!  But it is a skill that can be developed.  We suggest practicing this skill.  Try out with a simple negative thought and work your way up to applying it to nasty storm cloud quality negative thoughts over time.

Oprah tells us that, “Everything in your world is created by what you think.”  Help yourself create a positive environment by applying the WIRM to your negative thinking.

Resources & Sources

  • As noted above


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