Episode 17: Cordell Jacks | The Power of Dreams

58 mins

58 mins

“I like to say that the dreams always come in the service of growth. They're always there to help us look at our own stories. They're not here to pat us on the back and say do more of the same. They're here to show us something that we need to look at.” -Cordell Jacks

Cordell Jacks describes himself as a seeker, a big ideas person and a boundary pusher. Most of his career has focused on re-imagining major social innovation initiatives in international development, ocean plastics, and cleantech start-up companies, working towards a better world in public health, environmental sustainability, and circular economies. His ideas and efforts have earned him international accolades including significant investments from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The World Bank, global awards including the INDEX: Design to Improve Life Award, Dubai International Award for Best Practices, The Lipman Family Prize at The Wharton School of Business, and speaking opportunities at Harvard Business School, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and SXSW, amongst others. 

More recently, Cordell has had a significant perspective shift in redefining 'impact' and 'scale,’ turning his focus towards the individual and 'going deep,’ launching an initiative that is literally teaching people how to Dream better. As a Dream Coach, Cordell shares his lifelong passion for studying the science, psychology, and global lineages of 'Dream Work' practices. He teaches people how to access and utilize the "2 most important hours of their day,"....those spent dreaming. In our conversation with Cordell, we follow his career from Canada to the developing world and back to Canada again. We discuss answering phone calls from the universe, the importance of sustainable water and sanitation in developing communities, international development work, the role that circular economies play in the sustainment of business and the earth. Finally, we take a deep dive into the power of dreams, learning how our dreams hold the keys to innovation, self-discovery and meaningful creation in our waking lives. This interview is packed with insight, honesty and inspiration.  Please enjoy our conversation with Cordell Jacks.

You can learn more about Cordell and his work on his website, on Instagram, or on Facebook. Cordell offers courses, private coaching, and dream interpretation sessions

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