The Covid Test

The Laugh

I am fully recovered from COVID. Public Health has cleared me to be out and about. I recently had to go to a lab to drop off and get some medical tests that are a little embarrassing in their nature. Because of COVID, I’m standing outside the lab in a long line; it’s about twenty people long and growing by the minute. The nurse from the lab comes out every ten minutes to ask the people at the front of the line the screening questions and the reason for our visit. It’s a brisk and quiet morning, and with the six-foot rule, the set-up is less than confidential (in fact, you’d have to be 300km away not to hear these exchanges). After an hour of waiting in line, it’s finally my turn to check-in. “What are you here for?” I am asked. So I say (already a bit apprehensive), “blood work, and I’m dropping off a *cough*.” Then I am asked the COVID-19 screening questions, including, “have you had COVID-19 … period.” Um. “yes, but three weeks ago, and I have been cleared by public health.” I can feel all the eyes on me, some people are shrinking back, and those able to take a visible step backward do. Now, not only am I there for a (what I thought was a private reason!), but I also feel like everyone in line (and because of the volume of this exchange, anyone within a two-hour drive) feels like I still have COVID. I don’t know whether to die of embarrassment or laugh out loud at the reality of the situation.

The Lesson

  • Try not to judge the people around you; at this time we can all use a little grace

  • Laughing at yourself can help you alleviate tension and accept situations for what they are

The Iteration (i.e., how to make it better next time)

  • If you expect to be in a public area answering private questions bring a notepad with you or use your phone to write out your responses. This way you hopefully get the services you need, but without sharing them with everyone around you!


Musings | Kintsugi


Musings | Talking Matters