Musings | I Hate Exercise

I exercised once but found I was allergic to it. My skin flushed, and my heart raced. I got sweaty and short of breath. Very dangerous

According to a TED article, one of the reasons we don’t go to the gym is that when we think about working out, we picture ourselves panting, red-faced, and in pain - almost like an allergic reaction.  Not exactly the definition of a fun and enjoyable activity.  Ever wonder how to exercise when it is the last thing you want to do?  We’ve summarized a few key ideas below:

“I feel out of shape, and I dread going to the gym.  Everyone stares and judges.” 

 UGH - they seriously can be awful. Gyms can be intimidating places - 100%. There are a few ways to approach this.  

A)  You don’t have to go to a gym to exercise.  Exercise is just about moving your body. If you hate the gym, do something else! There are hundreds of ways to be active and exercise without ever having to go to a gym - go outside for a walk or other activity, follow a virtual workout program from the privacy of your home, join a class at a community centre or fitness facility where you don’t have to go to the gym section. 

B) To overcome the dread of going to the gym, try adjusting your mindset -  not easy to do, I know, but it is possible. Try looking at going to the gym as a way to take care of your body, stay healthy, and celebrate how strong and awesome your body can be.  

 “I don’t have time to exercise.”  

You can find the time. We all think we don’t have enough time, but the trick is to be intentional about the time we have. There are 168 hours in a week. After taking away the time we are sleeping and working, we are left with 62 hours! The key to making time for essential things is scheduling them in a week or a couple of days in advance.

“I like reading and watching Netflix better.”  

For sure, sometimes there is nothing better than a good book or movie and the couch. However, technology makes it possible to be active and engage in these activities at the same time. Try making it a rule that you only watch your favorite shows or listen to your favorite audiobooks (not the same as reading, I know) while you are active. Studies show that linking exercising alongside other activities like Netflix viewing or audiobooks helps us be consistent with an exercise plan and supports our motivation to be active.

If exercise feels like work and it is not fun, you likely won’t do it. Figure out what you like and then schedule it into your day to reap the benefits of exercise and being active. You will find the entire TED article with embedded Ted Talks here.

Resources & Sources

  • embedded in the article above


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